Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude



Chamber of Midwives

Policies & statements relevant to freedom of conscience

Code of Ethics for Midwives
Pursuant to Article 27 Midwifery Act and
Article 22, Statute of the Croatian Chamber of Midwives (27 January, 2010)
Caution: machine assisted translation.

Na temelju članka 27. Zakona o primaljstvu (NN 120/08) te članka 22. Statuta Hrvatske komore primalja, Vijeće Komore na sjednici održanoj dana 27. siječnja 2010. godine donijelo je ETIČKI KODEKS PRIMALJA

Pursuant to Article 27 Midwifery Act (Official Gazette 120/08) and Article 22 Statute of the Croatian Chamber of Midwives, the Council Chamber at the meeting held on 27 January 2010 adopted a CODE OF ETHICS FOR MIDWIVES

1. Uvod
1. Introduction

Etički kodeks primalja (dalje u tekstu: Kodeks) utvrñuje načela, pravila ponašanja i dužnosti kojih su se,radi očuvanja dostojanstva i ugleda primaljstva, primalje uvijek dužne pridržavati pri obavljanju svojeslužbe. . .

The Code of Ethics for Midwives (hereinafter referred to as the Code) establishes the principles, rules of conduct and duties that exist in order to preserve the dignity and reputation of midwifery, and which midwives are obliged to follow when practising their profession. . .

2. Temeljna načela
Članak 1.
2.  Basic Principles
Article 1

. . . Svojim ponašanjem primalja mora služiti kao primjer humanosti, poštivanja ljudskog dostojanstva i progresivnih nastojanja u priznavanju i ostvarivanju temeljnih ljudskih prava i sloboda.

. . . In their conduct midwives must serve as an example of humanity, respect for human dignity and progressive efforts in the recognition and realization of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

Primalja je obvezna poštivati ljudski život od njegovog početka do smrti.

A midwife is required to respect human life from its beginning until death.Project Annotation (i)

Primalja će pružati primaljsku skrb jednako svima bez obzira na dob, spol, rasu, narodnost, vjeru, boju kože, političko uvjerenje, društveni položaj ili bilo koje druge okolnosti, poštujući pri tome ljudska prava i dostojanstvo osobe. . .

A midwife  is to provide midwifery care equally to everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, colour, political beliefs, social status or any other circumstances, while respecting human rights and dignity of the person. . .

. . . Svoje znanje i umijeće uvijek će odgovorno primjenjivati u skladu s načelima ovoga Kodeksa.

. . . Their knowledge and skill will always be responsibly applied in accordance with the principles of this Code.

Primalja je osobno odgovorna za svoj rad. To znači da odgovara za svoje postupke i propuste, bez obzirana savjete i/ili upute drugih zdravstvenih djelatnika.

A midwife is personally responsible for her work. This means that she is responsible for her actions and omissions, independent of the considered advice and / or instructions of other health professionals.

Primalja se mora pridržavati zakona. . .

A midwife must comply with the law. . .

3. Odnos prema klijentu/-ici i pacijentu-/ici
Članak 2.
3. Relationship to clients/patients
Article 2

Primalja će poštovati prava pacijenta/-ice i klijenta/-ice smatrajući dobrobit pacijenta/-ice / klijenta/-ice svojom prvom i osnovnom brigom. . .

A midwife will respect the rights of the patient / client, considering the patient's/client's benefit her first and foremost concern. . .

. . . Primalja mora poštivati pacijenta/-icu i klijenta/-icu kao ljudsko biće. . .

. . . A midwife must respect the patient / client as a human being. . . Project Annotation (ii)

. . . Primalja mora poštivati svjetonazor, moralna i vjerska uvjerenja pacijenta/-ice.

. . . A midwife must respect worldview, moral and religious beliefs of the patient.

Ako se primalja nañe u situaciji da je suočena s profesionalnom nedoumicom, uvijek joj na prvom mjestu mora biti interes i sigurnost pacijenta/-ice i klijenta/-ice. . .

If the midwife finds herself in a situation that gives rise to a professional dilemma, her first priority must always be the interest and safety of the patient / client. . . Project Annotation (ii)

 . . . Primalja ima pravo na priziv savjesti, ako time ne uzrokuje trajne posljedice za zdravlje ili ne ugrozi život pacijenta/-ice. O svojoj odluci mora pravodobno obavijestiti pacijenta/-icu te ju uputiti drugoj primalji.

. . . The midwife has the right to conscientious objection, if it does not cause permanent damage to the health or endanger the patient's life.Project Annotation (ii) She shall inform the patient of this decision in a timely manner and send her to another midwife.Project Annotation (iii)

Primalja koja radi kao član zdravstvenog tima (u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti ili u bolničkoj zdravstvenoj skrbi) mora u što kraćem roku izvijestiti odgovornu osobu ako postoji bilo kakav prigovor savjesti bitan za obavljanje njezine profesionalne djelatnosti. U tom slučaju ne smije prestati pružati primaljsku skrb ako bi time uzrokovala trajne posljedice za zdravlje ili ugrozila život pacijentice. . .

A midwife who works as a member of the healthcare team (in primary care or hospital health care) shall as soon as possible inform the person responsible if there is any conscientious objection essentially relevant to to the performance of her professional activities. In that case, she should not cease to provide midwifery care if doing so would cause lasting damage to health or endanger the patient's life. . .

4. Odnosi prema drugim primaljama i zdravstvenim djelatnicima
Članak 3.
4.  Relationships with other midwives and health workers
Article 3

. . . Primalja koja radi kao član zdravstvenog tima (u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti ili u bolničkoj zdravstvenoj skrbi) mora surañivati sa svim članovima/-icama tima. . .

. . . A midwife who works as a member of the healthcare team (in primary care or hospital health care) must cooperate with all team members. . .

5. Odnos primalja prema primaljskim asistenticama i pripravnicama
Članak 4.
5. The ratio of midwives to midwifery assistants and interns
Article 4.

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6. Odnos prema struci
Članak 5.
6. Attitude towards the profession
Article 5

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7. Trajno usavršavanje
Članak 6.
7.Continuous education
Article 6

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8. Odnos prema Komori
Članak 7.
8. Relationship to the Chamber
Article 7

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9. Primaljska tajna
Članak 8.
9 Midwives confidentiality
Article 8

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10. Rješavanje etičkih pitanja
Članak 9.
10. Resolving ethical issues
Article 9

Ako primalja nije sigurna je li odreñena situacija u skladu sa ovim Kodeksom, dužna je savjetovati ses Etičkim povjerenstvom Komore. . .

If a midwife is not sure whether a particular situation in accordance with this Code, she shall consult with the Chamber's Ethics Committee. . .

11. Završne odredbe
Članak 10.
11. Final provisions
Article 10

Poštivanje odredbi ovog Kodeksa obvezno je za sve primalje, primaljske prvostupnice i primaljske asistentice.

Compliance with the provisions of this Code is mandatory for all midwives, midwifery bachelor's degree and midwifery assistants.

Povrede odredaba ovog Kodeksa disciplinske su povrede. Disciplinski postupak zbog povreda Kodeksa propisan je aktima Komore. . .

Violations of the provisions of this Code are disciplinary violations. Disciplinary action for violations of the Code is prescribed by the regulations of the Chamber. . .

. . . Primalje su obvezne odbiti svaku radnju koja je u suprotnosti s načelima iznesenima u ovom Kodeksu, a Komora im je obvezna pomo.i stru.nim savjetima ako se za to uka.e potreba. . .

. . . Midwives are required to refuse any action which is contrary to the principles set out in this Code, and the Chamber is required to help with expert advice if the need arises. . .

Project Annotations

i.  The requirement to respect human life from its beginning until death could be taken to include the infant.  However, it is not clear, especially from what follows, that "respect" includes a duty to safeguard the life of the infant.

ii.  The reference to a singular patient/client indicates the mother, to the exclusion of the infant.

iii.  Timely notice should help to avoid conflicts between the patient and midwive about issues of conscience.  However, a requirement for a midwife to send the patient to another midwife (presumably to facilitate a morally contested procedure like abortion) would be unacceptable to those who consider that to involve complicity in the contested act.