Resource List
Freedom of Conscience Advocacy

What You Can Do
We encourage you to undertake protection of conscience initiatives in your own institution, region or country. You
are best able to respond to local developments, especially in languages other than English.
For Students
Medical and nursing school
- Identifying objectionable procedures
- Articulating your objections
- The extent of your objections
- Knowing the science
- Science vs. philosophy
- University and professional policies
- Human rights, freedom of information
Making Notes

In school
and workplace
- How to make notes of adverse encounters.
- Audio recording, notebook structure & format, how and what
to record, correcting errors, recapitulation and narrative expansion.

Notes Illustrated:
Consistent Evidentiary Note-making
- Illustrating notebook structure, retrospective recording, making
notes easy to find, and making corrections.
Complainant Worksheet
Complainant Worksheet
A document that helps conscientious practitioners gather and organize material needed to
file grievances, human rights complaints or civil suits.

papers and journal articles
Books, papers and journal articles relevant to freedom of conscience in health care. List of journal articles from 1965-present.
Project Publications

Protection of Conscience Project
- Reports
- Book Reviews
- Presentations
- Pamphlets