Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude
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Medical Services Act

Zakona o zdravniški službi

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43. člen
Article 43
Nujna zdravniška pomoč obsega nujne storitve, katerih opustitev bi v kratkem času vodila v nepopravljivo in hudo okvaro zdravja ali smrt. Tako pomoč je dolžan nuditi zdravnik v skladu s kodeksom medicinske deontologije in v skladu z dosežki znanosti in strokovno preverjenimi metodami. Zdravnik ne sme pogojevati nudenja nujne zdravniške pomoči z vnaprejšnjim plačilom.

Emergency medical assistance shall comprise emergency services the omission of which would in a short time lead to death or irredeemable and/or serious damage to health. Medical doctors shall be obliged to provide such assistance in accordance with the code of medical deontology and in accordance with the achievements of science and professionally verified methods. A medical doctor may not condition the provision of emergency medical assistance with an advance payment.

56. člen
Article 49
Zdravnik lahko odkloni zdravniški poseg, če sodi, da ni v skladu z njegovo vestjo in če ne gre za nujno zdravniško pomoč. O svojem ugovoru vesti mora bolnika pravočasno obvestiti in ga napotiti k drugemu usposobljenemu zdravniku, če pa je zaposlen, mora o zavrnitvi posega obvestiti svojega delodajalca. A medical doctor may refuse a medical intervention if he/she assesses that it is not in accordance with his/her conscience and it is not a matter of emergency medical assistance. He/she shall promptly inform the patient of his/her conscientious objection and refer the patient to another qualified medical doctor, and if he/she is employed must notify his/her employer about the refusal of the intervention.