Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude
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Health Services Act

Zakona o zdravstveni dejavnosti

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45. člen
Article 45
Zdravstveni delavci in zdravstveni sodelavci opravljajo zdravstveno dejavnost v skladu s sprejeto zdravstveno doktrino in s kodeksom medicinske deontologije oziroma z drugimi strokovnimi in etičnimi kodeksi. Pri opravljanju svojega dela morajo obravnavati vse ljudi pod enakimi pogoji na enak način in spoštovati njihove ustavne in zakonske pravice. Edino merilo prednosti je nujnost zdravstvenega posega.

Healthcare and allied professionals shall provide healthcare services in accordance with accepted medical doctrine and within the code of medical deontology or within other professional and ethical codes. In performing their work, they must treat everybody under the same conditions and in the same way and respect their constitutional and legal rights. The only measure of priority is the urgency of medical procedure.

56. člen
Article 56
Zdravstveni delavec lahko odkloni zdravstveni poseg, če sodi, da ni v skladu z njegovo vestjo in z mednarodnimi pravili medicinske etike. Zdravstveni delavec mora o svojem ugovoru vesti obvestiti zdravstveni zavod. Zdravstveni zavod mora to upoštevati, vendar bolnikom zagotoviti možnost za nemoteno uveljavljanje pravic s področja zdravstvenega varstva. Zdravstveni delavec ne sme odkloniti nujne medicinske pomoči. A healthcare professional may refuse medical intervention if he or she judges that it is against his or her conscience and international rules of medical ethics. A healthcare professional must inform the health institution of his/her conscientious objection. The health institute must determine whether the patient is guaranteed the possibility of the undisturbed exercise of his/her rights in the field of healthcare. A health professional may not refuse to render urgent medical assistance.