Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude


College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick

Policies & statements relevant to freedom of conscience

Moral Factors and Medical Care
April, 2012: Amended June, 2017
Guideline [Original]
Directive [Original]
Moral Factors and Medical Care
Les Facteurs Ethiques et les Soins Medicaux

From time to time, physicians may be confronted with situations where they may be requested to provide a treatment or procedure to which they have an objection on moral or religious grounds. In that regard, physicians should be guided by the Code of Ethics, which advises as follows:

Les médecins peuvent parfois recevoir des demandes d'un traitement ou d'une intervention auxquels ils s'opposent en raison de leurs convictions morales ou religieuses. Dans ce cas, les médecins doivent s'appuyer sur le Code de déontologie qui recommande ce qui suit :

12. Inform your patient when your personal values would influence the recommendation or practice of any medical procedure that the patient needs or wants.

12. Avertir le patient lorsque ses valeurs personnelles influeraient sur la recommandation ou la pratique d'une intervention médicale que le patient souhaite ou dont il a besoin.

21. Provide your patients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their medical care, and answer their questions to the best of your ability.

21. Fournir au patient les renseignements dont il a besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées concernant les soins médicaux et répondre de son mieux à ses questions.

Based on these principles, Council believes physicians should respond to such situations as follows:

En se fondant sur ces principes, le conseil estime que dans la situation évoquée, les médecins doivent agir comme suit :

(1) A physician must communicate clearly and promptly about any treatments or procedures the physician chooses not to provide because of his or her moral or religious beliefs.

(1) Un médecin doit faire connaître clairement et promptement les traitements et les interventions qu'il choisit de ne pas prodiguer en raison de ses convictions morales ou religieuses.

(2) A physician must not withhold information about the existence of a procedure or treatment because providing that procedure or giving advice about it conflicts with their moral or religious beliefs.Project Annotation (i)

(2) Un médecin ne peut pas refuser de donner des renseignements sur l'existence d'une intervention ou d'un traitement parce que le fait d'exécuter cette intervention ou de donner des conseils s'y rapportant entre en conflit avec ses convictions morales ou religieuses.

(3) A physician must not promote their own moral or religious beliefs when interacting with patients.

(3) Un médecin ne doit pas promouvoir ses propres convictions morales ou religieuses dans son interaction avec les patients.

(4) When moral or religious beliefs prevent a physician from providing or offering access to information about a legally available medical or surgical treatment or service, that physician must ensure that the patient who seeks such advice or medical care is offered timely access to another physician or resource that will provide accurate information about all available medical options.Project Annotation (ii)

(4) Lorsque les convictions morales ou religieuses d'un médecin l'empêchent de fournir des renseignements ou les moyens d'en obtenir concernant un traitement ou un service médical ou chirurgical permis par la loi, ce médecin doit s'assurer que le patient qui demande ces conseils ou ces soins médicaux a accès en temps opportun à un autre médecin ou à d'autres ressources qui lui fourniront des renseignements exacts sur toutes les options médicales disponibles.

Project Annotations

This guideline was adopted in 2012, "based on an inititiative" by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.  It recognizes a key distinction between providing information and providing or facilitating a morally contested service or procedure. 

i.  Physicians are expected to provide information necessary to satisfy the requirements of informed medical decision making, such as prognosis, the treatments or procedures available, benefits and burdens of treatment, risks, etc.  The point here is to balance the desire of a physician to avoid complicity in a wrongful act with the importance of informed decision-making by the patient, which requires that the patient have all of the information relevant for the purpose of choosing a course of treatment.  It is necessary to respect both the freedom of conscience of the physician and the freedom and right of the patient to make a fully informed choice. 

ii.  Only if a physician is unwilling to provide this information is an offer of "timely access" to another physician or resource required.  The purpose of arranging timely access in this situation is to ensure that the patient has information needed for decision-making.  Offering timely access may be achieved in various ways.