House Bill 566 (2005)
This bill includes several amendments to
existing legislation concerning unemancipated minors, as well as the addition of "referral" to an existing statute that offers protection to both patients and health care providers. Only those parts of the bill relevant to the issue of freedom of conscience are reproduced below. The bill did not progress further after being introduced in February, 2005. [Administrator]
G05 LC 33 0702
By: Representatives Loudermilk of the 14th, Maddox of the 172nd, Rice of the
51st, Coan of the 101st, Burmeister of the 119th, and others
To amend Chapter 7 of Title 49 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated,
relating to family-planning services, so as to define certain terms; to
authorize agencies to provide medical referral services under certain
conditions; to require parental notification for an unemancipated minor to
receive medical referral services or birth control devices; to change
certain provisions relating to right to refuse services;
to change certain
provisions relating to right of employee to refuse to offer services;
to change certain provisions relating to plans and programs to carry out
chapter; to provide for related matters; to repeal conflicting laws; and for
other purposes.
Chapter 7 of Title 49 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to
family-planning services, is amended by striking Code Section 49-7-2,
relating to definitions, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
As used in this chapter, the term:
(2) 'Birth control device' or 'contraceptive' means any drug, medical
preparation, medical procedure, medical device, rhythm chart, or any related
product whose primary function is to prevent impregnation during sexual
(3) 'Family-planning services' means counseling and interviews
with trained personnel regarding birth control, infertility, and
family-planning methods and procedures; and distribution of literature
relating to birth control, infertility, and family planning; referral to
licensed physicians or local health departments for consultation,
examination, tests, medical treatment, and prescriptions for the purposes of
birth control, infertility, and family planning; and, to the extent
prescribed, the distribution of rhythm charts, drugs, medical preparations,
contraceptive devices, and similar products used for birth control and
family planning.
(4) 'Medical referral services' means referral to licensed physicians or
local health departments for consultation, examination, tests, medical
treatment, and prescriptions for the purposes of birth control, infertility,
and family planning.
Said chapter is further amended by striking Code Sections 49-7-4 through
49-7-7 and inserting in their respective places the following:
The refusal of any person to accept family-planning services or medical
referral services shall in no way affect the right of such person to receive
public assistance or public health services or to avail himself or herself
of any other public benefit. The employees of the agencies engaged in the
administration of this chapter shall recognize that the right to make
decisions concerning family planning and birth control is a fundamental
personal right of the individual; and nothing in this chapter shall in any
way abridge such individual right, nor shall any individual be required to
state his or her reason for refusing the offer of family-planning services
or medical referral services.
Any employee of the agencies engaged in the administration of this
chapter may refuse to accept the duty of offering family-planning services
or medical referral services to the extent that such duty is contrary to
such employee's personal religious beliefs; and such refusal shall not be
grounds for any disciplinary action, for dismissal, for any
interdepartmental transfer, for any other discrimination in his or her
employment, for suspension from employment, or for any loss in pay or other
benefits. The directors or supervisors of such agencies shall be authorized,
however, to reassign the duties of any such employees in order to carry out
this chapter effectively.
All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed.